Scott Cottam

Almost Another Year Later.

1st June, 2021

I really am bad at updating this blog, aren't I?

Personal Updates
I have completed my foundation degree at Blackpool and The Fylde College and awaiting my final results, so far my grades are looking good and I'm hoping I come away with a distinction, I have started applying for jobs again but there seems to be a lot of competition for roles and I'm hoping I'll be able to eventually pull an interview at least and as of last week I have received my first Pfizer jab.

Website Updates
With some free time on my hands I've put some time into tweaking this website and fixing the issues I had put off for over a year, firstly the CSS has had a minor refresh with a new font, minor text highlighting animations and a revamp of the navigation effects. The layout of the Blog page has changed so the contents are laid out better as well as changes to the Portfolio page to highlight recent websites I have worked on as opposed to the much older websites featured there before.

On the backend of the website the version of Laravel running this website has been updated to the most recent version of Laravel 6 as well as updating several packages, image uploading finally works after putting it off for too long, the Quill Delta renderer has been consolidated into a much cleaner implementation, each applicable page now has structured data to enable easier crawling as well as pages having canonical links as Google struggles to crawl this website apparently, and finally the tagging system works properly now.

Eventually I plan to upgrade to Laravel 8 as well as fully revamping the layout of this website such as moving away from Bootstrap and having a fresh new design as this colour scheme and layout is from 2017.

Tags: php, laravel