Scott Cottam

Personal Update

20th August, 2020

It has been over a year since I have posted to this blog, party out of laziness and party from being too busy to think of anything to write about.

Last year I signed up to do a foundation degree in Web Technologies and Digital Media at Blackpool and the Fylde College, this came about after spending a good year or so trying to get back into the web development field and getting knocked back because I was considered either too inexperienced or my experience was too outdated to be relevant, the final straw was being told post interview I wasn’t passionate enough about web development as well as losing my retail job due to restructuring and having to take redundancy.

I had previously considered going back into education due to my previous experience with university level education did not end particularly well as well as the extra debt of taking out extra student loans with the increased tuition fees in 2020 compared to my original stint in 2008.

However my fears about doing a degree level course where unfounded as I found myself able to achieve high grades throughout all my modules, I just hope I can keep that up as I go into my second and probably final year before getting back into job hunting with my foundation degree in hand.

But this could be harder than I am expecting due to the economic downturn due to COVID-19 and the fallout from Brexit.