Scott Cottam

The Problems With Shared Hosting

5th May, 2019

I, probably like a lot of people use cheap shared hosting to host my sites, its no fuss and its cheap but every so often you run into the limitations of shared hosting. my current hosting provider is Dreamhost, Now with Laravel when you upload a file it stores it in 'storage/app/public' as opposed to 'public' which is used to store all public files, you get around this by creating a symlink using Laravel's Artisan Console via a shell console.

The problem is with Dreamhost even though it does provide shell access and the latest versions of PHP for the hosted sites the shell however seems to run PHP 5.6 of which Artisan is incompatible with, it errors out when you try to run Artisan commands, however Dreamhost does provide a guide to install different versions of PHP on its shared hosting pages, but for some reason even following the guide to the letter and looking around on the internet for help I cannot get this to work.

I seem to be stuck without working image uploads for the time being, hopefully contacting Dreamhost might be able to sort this out or a workaround using PHP is in order.

Tags: laravel, hosting